There are a few specific substance abuse education programs available for you to attend. Lisa Seif doesn't deliver a speech, she delivers a customized experience that educates and motivates her audiences while providing helpful perspectives and programs for everyone dealing with substance abuse, substance diseases and addictions. Lisa Seif works with emergency room staff, medical students, courts, probation offices and everything in between who want to offer training, education and programing to further insights and inspiration to revolutionize the way we change direction dealing with the reality of addition. There is no miracle moment; but we can stay informed and committed to a realistic process and frame work. These workshops and seminars promote a social reconstruction of the reality around addictions. Our programs will be provided by video, podcasts, and live stream presentations.
We offer customized education programs for:
Contact us to discuss and engage in possible programs or speaking engagements.
Lisa Seif's programing is motivated by bringing justice to the incites and facts revolving around addictions. Her hope is to inspire and revolutionize the way we deal with the reality of addiction. There is no miracle moment, but we can stay informed and committed to a realistic process and framework.
The 7 Sisters program involves putting on monthly workshops to bring awareness about addiction and its unique challenges to a wider community. Our mission statement is: "Bringing awareness to the community through education and informative opportunities to eliminate the stigma of addiction and advocate for recovery options."
Contact us today to learn more about our 7 Sisters program in the Evansville, IN & Owensboro, KY area.
Tasks And Priorities Of Teen Development.
Peer Pressure: It's No Joke!
Parents Are In It To Win!
Drugs And Alcohol Are There: Tips To Know How And Where To Look.
Self Esteem: An Earned Not Learned Proposition.
Empowering Our Parents.
Substance Abuse Is Not Hiding.
Self Esteem: You Don't Grow Into It.
For Students And Parents: Attitude Is As Important As Aptitude.
Drug Free Work Zone.
As An Employer: It Is Your Business.
Families: Make It Your Business To Work Together.