Lisa Seif LCSW: LCAC: CSAMS: is in Private Practice at Lisa Seif CARES, LLC and at the Deaconess Woman's Hospital in Evansville, Indiana. Specialties include ( but not limited to) : Addictive Disorders; Family Therapy; Adolescent & Young Adult; Women's Issues; Couples Counseling; & Codependency. She is an Adjunct Professor in the Social Work Department at the University of Southern Indiana. Lisa Seif is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor.
Since 1983, Lisa Seif has spearheaded community awareness projects in schools, churches, and businesses interested in developing programs and policies to deal with substance abuse issues.
She was an Adolescent and Family Therapist for over 20 years, helping individuals and families dealing with substance abuse / dependence, eating disorders, and mental health issues. During those years Lisa Seif helped schools develop Student Assistant Programs while acting as a clinical liaison between schools, courts, and treatment. She now facilitates workshops and trainings when requested.
Lisa Seif was appointed to serve on the Governors Commission For A Drug Free Indiana. She continues to write, speak and advocate at the state level.
Lisa Seif speaks around the country at schools, conferences, medical programs and businesses. She speaks to and for all ages, religions, and genders. Her format encompasses the role of diversity, equity and inclusion related to addictions. Her message inspires learning, leading and laughing.
When it comes to working with people who feel "allergic" to the term addiction, Lisa Seif is a genius. She intuitively senses a path forward that matches to the audience's needs. Her workshops and presentations are tailormade to fit the needs of the audience.